Webinar: Management of Suicidality in the Primary Care Setting
Jul 13, 2021
12:00 pm–1:00 pm
Baylor College of Medicine
Useful links:
We hope you can join us on Tuesday, July 13th from 12 to 1 PM CST for our next CME. Drs. Havel, Matin, and Yerramsetti will be presenting on the Management of Suicidality in the Primary Care Setting.
Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participants should be able to:
- Recognize the risk factors for suicide and signs and symptoms of mental health conditions associated with suicide risk.
- Develop skills in talking to parents and kids about suicide
- Discuss ethical considerations that come up in treating suicidal youth
First Time Users: Please register at https://cpd.education.bcm.edu/ for CME credit. During the presentation, you will be given a code to text to 713-903-7277 to earn credit.
On July 13th: Join: https://bcm.zoom.us/j/95056967070?pwd=YWNWZWRiWTR5RkVmUlJBVTM3OWxQdz09
Or use the ZOOM Meeting ID: 950 5696 7070 and Password: 403444
We look forward to seeing you there!